Culture field in Europe
Program of study “Culture field in Europe”
This program of study and research has been set by the Board in 2011 and renewed for two years (2017-2019). It is aimed at identifying and analysing main features in the field of culture in Europe from two viewpoints: a) the public policies and governance; b) development of the sector and strategies of the cultural players in the field of the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs).
The study consists of two parts:
- Analysis of public governance and cultural policies: twenty Member States of the Council of Europe (this sample will be enlarged with a Balkan country and one of the five micro states);
- Elaboration of a typology of the “cultural players” in the CCIs : seven types have been characterized with their management models. The empirical dimension is important in this approach (see in the final report list of the 28 boxes presenting cultural players or groups of cultural players).
The program has been run in coordination with the research team ACM (Arts and Cultural Management) of the Burgundy School of Business.
To achieve these goals, IDÉE EUROPE has collected information and data in twenty countries about public authorities and about cultural players.
Sample of about 160 “cultural players” has been constituted. It includes public and private organisations as well as individuals involved in the CCIs Field: public corporations, Non Departmental Public Bodies, public foundations, various non-profit organisations (private foundations, associations…), actors of the “third sector” (e.g. cooperative), start-ups, incubators, commercial profit organisations, informal artists organisations (including squats), and creative people acting as individuals. All these “cultural players” are acting in the various subsectors of the CCIs field (aircraft, visual arts, museums, historic and natural sites, performing arts, broadcasting, publishing, architecture, design, creative advertisement, etc.).
Several recent publications result from this study program:
- “Quelle gouvernance pour une politique publique de la culture?“ Chapter in the book published by PULIM-Presses universitaires de Limoges (2013)
- Report “Gouvernance et politiques publiques de la culture en Europe“, published in the series Innovations & Développement (2013)
- Article “What is the role of networks and platforms in the European culture field?” published by the Forum d’Avignon
- Article CEREN “Typology of the cultural players in the CCIs field” (2016), Cahiers du CEREN
- 2017 : final report of the study “Acteurs culturels: positions et stratégies dans le champ de la culture et des industries créatives“